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Welcoming the Fall Giveaway

It's time, book aficianados. Welcoming the Fall Giveaway!

For the next week (9/22/10 through 9/29/10), I'm joining an awesome group of book bloggers for a giveaway. In honor of Halloween approaching, I'll be giving away two vampire books: The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas and Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (the first book in the series that inspired True Blood). Bloodsuckers abound!

Before Edward Cullen, there was Edward NOT vegetarian.

And then there was vampire Bill. Really? The vampire is named Bill?

To enter (U.S. residents only), leave a comment with the following information:

* Your name and email address (if your email address is private then send me a message at and leave a comment here)

* Your point total (between one and four). One point each if you:
   * Follow this blog, Jennifer Lane Books (+1)
   * Follow JenLanebooks on twitter (click on the birdie, top right) (+1)
   * Friend Jennifer Lane on (click on the "g", top right)  (+1)
   * Add my novel, With Good Behavior, to your "to-read" list on goodreads (+1)

Each point is a chance to win these two books! I vant to suck your blood.

Now go visit the other participating blogs!


Unknown said…
May the madness begin!!! ;D
Unknown said…
What a great way to network blogs! Who can resist FREE BOOKS! :D
I hope that you get many more followers/readers!
(Too bad I'm not in the US... I'm more excited to receive my With Good Behavior paperback, anyway! ;)
Michele said…
Thank you for the giveaway!
+1 I'm following this blog
+1 I'm following / fan on Goodreads
+1 I've added With Good Behavior on my Goodreads "to read" list.
(total: 3)

Yara @ Once upon a Twilight

4 points total for me.
mizzlizzbeck said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a GFC follower!
Taffy said…
Interesting books!

I'm a follower

Unknown said…
Thanks for the chance to win! I am a new follower!!

Kelsey O.
Hi! Susan Kaye Quinn (um, I think I do all those things!)
Anonymous said…
I'd like to win this giveaway.
I follow via GFC.
Patsy H.
Jennifer Lane said…
Ah! I just figured out that GFC = Google Friend Connect. (My technotard tendencies are biting me in the butt).

Thank you for entering, everyone! The winner will be announced 9/29/10.
justpeachy36 said…
Please enter me in the giveaway.
Juana said…
Thanks for the great giveaway. I am a new GFC follower.
Kathy Habel said…
Thanks for the giveaway
bkhabel at gmail dot com

Inspired Kathy on goodreads
added your book
GFC follower

Linda Henderson said…
I'd love to win these books, I haven't read either of them.
+1 New follower on GFC
+1 Follow on Twitter as BookOwner
+1 Sent friend request on Goodreads as myself
+1 Added book to my "to read" list

Total 4

seriousreader at live dot com
Jenn S. said…

Thank you for the giveaway!
+1 blog follower: JennS

jas8929 at gmail dot com
debbie said…
I would love to read these. I am a gfc follower.
TheCuttingEtch said…
Follow on twitter
skyla11377 said…
What a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity, I would love to be entered into your giveaway.

+1 I am a blog follower (skyla11377).
+1 I am a follower on Twitter (@skyla11377).
+1 I am already friends with you on GoodReads (Raquel Vega-Grieder).
+1 I added your novel, With Good Behavior, to my "to-read" list on goodreads.

Total: +4

MTeacress said…
One of these days I'll figure out the linky thing and participate. Giving away Halloween themed books is a great idea too. Have fun!
Miranda Hardy said…
+2 new blog follower (J L Jackson) and new twitter follower (@yourjenjackson)
+4 for all
Great Blog
D.S. White said…

+2 for goodreads friend and to read listing of your book
jellybelly82158 said…
Thanks for the great giveaway.

+1 new GFC follower
+1 Follow on Twitter @jellybelly82158
+1 Follow on Goodreads

Julie Swaney of USA

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
Denise Covey said…
I'm so sorry I missed this!
hendy said…
Thanks for the giveaway, this is the perfect season for vampire books.
+1-Follow via GFC
Total=1 pt.
Heather H. - hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
Jennifer Lane said…
The giveaway runs until 9/29/10. Still plenty of time left to enter!
Anonymous said…
What a great giveaway! Thanks!
rubynreba said…
Please enter me. Thanks for a great giveaway.

+1 I am a new follower

Ladytink_534 said…
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

I'm a follower!

April X said…
Thanks for the giveaway :D
+1 I'm a new follower
+1 I added you as a friend on GoodReads (April Xu)
+1 I added your book to my to read list :)
+1 I follow you on twitter @ramen_addict
Marcie said…
Thanks for the giveaway!
+1 I follow on GFC
+1 twitter follower @2readornot2read
+1 friends on Goodreads
+1 added you to my GR to read list
+1 New follower on GFC (Kristina Barnes)
+1 Follow on Twitter @frazzletastic
+1 Friend request on Goodreads (Kristina Barnes)
+1 Added book to my "to read" list

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

GFC Follower (Kristina Barnes<3)

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the giveaway!

+1 new GFC follower
+1 requested you as a friend on Goodreads
(both of them as Melanie L)

Total: 2

Aik said…
I'd love to enter!

* Follow this blog, Jennifer Lane Books (+1)
* Follow JenLanebooks on twitter @aikchien (+1)
* Friend Jennifer Lane on [Aik Chien] (+1)

Tota: 3

aikychien at yahoo dot com
Qandthebooks said…
Great I hope to win! (:
+1 Following

=1 Total! (:
Judy said…
GReat giveaway!!

+1-follow blog- Judy
+1-follow twitter-Judy Cox
+1-friend on goodreads-Judy
+1-added to my read list- Judy

Total 4
Sophia said…
Thanks for the giveaway!

+1 Follow blog
+1 Follow Twitter
+1 Goodreads Friend (Sophia Lee)
+1 Add to to-read list

sophiayunjin @ gmail . com
AllTheWiser said…
Loving the Fall Giveaway!
TLR33960 at hotmail dot com
+1 New blog follower AllTheWiser
Thanks for the giveaway.

+1 New blog follower Becky B.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the great giveaway.

I have to say that when I first read about Bill Compton I thought the same thing - 'Really? His name is Bill?'. I still think it's a very un-vampirish name, but hey Sookie seems happy with him so who am I to complain. :D

+1 New blog follower (Becky)

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the chance!
Kailia S.
twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

+1 follow this blog
+1 follow on twitter
+1 sent freined request on goodreads
+1 added your book!
arceli said…
Arceli L.

Total: 1
k_sunshine1977 said…
thank you so much for the giveaway!

+1 Following this blog
+1 Friended you on goodreads

i friended you on shelfari as well, even though there's no points involved...:)

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Carol M said…
Thank you for the giveaway!

+1 I follow on GFC
+1 I follow on Twitter-CarolAnnM

mittens0831 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
Follow on GFC

Ashley @ Ashley's Bookshelf
Unknown said…
Follow on Twitter - @ashleybookshelf

Ashley @ Ashley's Bookshelf
Unknown said…
Follow on Goodreads - Ashley's Bookshelf

Ashley @ Ashley's Bookshelf
Unknown said…
Added book to to read list!

Ashley @ Ashley's Bookshelf
Unknown said…
+1 GFC blog follower
+1 GoodReads friend
+1 With Good Behavior on tbr shelf

3 Total
Thanks so much!
Marie Francis said…
Hey thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, your book sounds very interesting!

Name is Marie, email missmariefrancis(at)yahoo(dot)com

+1 Following your blog
+1 Following you on twitter (I'm mari3francis)
+1 Friended you on
+1 Added your book to my "to-read" list on
Terra Heck said…
I'd like to read these books. Please count me in to win.
Please count me in

Follow this blog, Jennifer Lane Books (+1)
Follow JenLanebooks on twitter (click on the birdie, top right) (+1) Lora1967
* Friend Jennifer Lane on (click on the "g", top right) (+1)Lora1967
* Add my novel, With Good Behavior, to your "to-read" list on goodreads (+1 Lora1967

Sarah said…
Thanks for the giveaway!

+1 follow this blog (GFC)

sarahdc22 (at) gmail (dot) com
bmcbroom at gmail dot com
+1 I follow via GFC Betty: Reflections with Coffee

Thanks for joining in the Fall Giveaway!
Andrea I said…
Thanks for the giveaway.

+1 GFC follower Andrea I
+1 Twitter Follower @lillieblue613
+1 Added to Friends on Good Reads Andrea Infinger
+1 Added With Good Behavior to my To Be Read List
donnas said…
Thanks for the chance. The Vampire Tapestry sounds really good.

+1 GFC follower
+1 twitter follower - @donnas1
+1 GR friend request sent (Donna S)

bacchus76 at myself dot com
What a pretty blog you have!

+1 for a new follower.

Tamara Heiner
tamara at tamarahartheiner dot com
Unknown said…
Please enter me in the contest.
+1 New follower on GFC
+1 Follow on Twitter @mbreakfield
+1 Sent friend request on Goodreads
+1 Added book to my "to read" list
Anonymous said…
what a great giveaway!

follower on GFC - pams00
Follow on Twitter - pams00
Added on Goodreads - Pamela Sinclair
Added book to my "to read" list

Pam S
pams00 @
Unknown said…
I will enter ... I can get my vamp on hehe ;)

jacki ficcore

I guess officially its 1 point but i have a stalker potential of 4 Lol .. ;)
Maureen said…
+1 I follow on GFC
+1 Follow on Goodreads
+1 Added book on to read list

mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Barbara said…
Vampires---definitely what I'm into reading about these days!!!
+1 GFC follower--Barb

+1 twitter follower---winterbabe98

barbs562 at gmail dot com
Cathie said…
ohh yes! vamps!
* Follow this blog, Jennifer Lane Books (+1)
* Follow JenLanebooks on twitter (+1)
* Friend Jennifer Lane on (+1)
* Add my novel, With Good Behavior, to your "to-read" list on goodreads (+1)

4 points total
Laura H. said…
Love the vampires! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a GFC follower.

Laura H.