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Gratitude #Giveaway $10 Gift Card

Time for the Gratitude Giveaway hosted by Kathy.

What are YOU grateful for?

Positive psychology research shows that acknowledging our gratitudes can make us happier. So I'm giving you the opportunity to do just that in the giveaway.

I'm grateful for my two sisters. They're fun, smart, kind, and beautiful. One of these days I'll beat Laurie in Words With Friends (she cheats, I swear) and maybe I'll cave to Susan's constant cajoling for me to move near her in South Carolina.

I'm blessed to have siblings I call my friends. It makes all the teasing from childhood worth it!

And thank YOU, awesome readers, for making my new release Blocked a top seller among volleyball books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


sohamolina said…
I am grateful for my family.
Elena said…
I am grateful for my family
I am so thankful for my husband, who puts up with me daily and also for my three kiddos, who make me laugh every day!
stacey dempsey said…
I am grateful for my 3 awesome kids
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for my fantastic family and friends!
And for this giveaway!
I'm grateful for family, friends, my wife, and my Lord.
Oh, and my guitars!
jen7waters said…
My beautiful mom <3

Thank you for the giveaway!

Carla C. on the raffle
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my two cats who calm me down and make me so happy :)
Theresa said…
I too am grateful for my sisters and brother! They are the best!!
Filia Oktarina said…
My Family and healty body with it.
Amy Orvin said…
I'm grateful for my family and pets.
StacyRenee said…
I'm most thankful to be starting a family! (I'm due the week of Thanksgiving!) :)
Betul E. said…
my family and 70 pound weightloss!
KV H said…
I am grateful for my family & health.
The Book's Buzz said…
I am grateful for all the wonderful people that have supported me over the years in making my blog. My parents, friends, my fellow bloggers. Can't wait for the giveaway!

Alex @ The Book's Buzz
Tanya G said…
I am thankful that my family had made it through many trials this year so far and are all the more stronger for it!
Rita Wray said…
I'm grateful for my wonderful family.
I am grateful for all of the people who Bless my life! <3
Cali W. said…
My family and books. Thanks for the giveaway. ;)
Janet W. said…
I'm thankful for my family's good health this year!
Beth W said…
My very supportive family and boyfriend, who have been a tremendous help through my failing health.
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my family, my cat and my friends!
A. said…
For all the amazing books in the world!!
DanieX said…
my family and my bunny :)
Anonymous said…
I'm grateful for my family!

Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com
Unknown said…
Thankful for friends and family.
karin said…
I am grateful for always having the support of my family and friends!
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my hubby! I don't know what I'd do without his constant love and support! ( my kids too :) )
Debby said…
I am grateful for family, good health, food, shelter....and books!

Alina P said…
My family and good books :)
Heidi Reads... said…
I am thankful for adoption and our two special daughters!
Unknown said…
I am grateful for all of my friends, they are amazing! Thanks so much for the giveaway and the chance to win <333
carolann88fan said…
I am very grateful for all of my family
wendy Hutton said…
I am grateful for my family
Corey Hutton said…
I am grateful for Air.
Judy said…
I am so grateful for my entire family and no major health issues.
Anonymous said…
Im thankful for my family.
Julie said…
I'm grateful for my family and my electric blanket!
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my family!
Kristia said…
I'm grateful for my supportive family! Thank you for the giveaway :)
Berkeley Hapa said…
Thankful for my husband, my home with my organic garden. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Lotus
Joseph Hawkshaw said…
I'm grateful for family they are the best.
Unknown said…
I am very thankful for my family. They are my everything. Thank you!
So many things at times. Books, family and leisure time.
I'm grateful that my sister in law is also my best friend.
Catherine Lee said…
A great job, good health, awesome hubby...Definitely something to be thankful for!
CG @ Paper Fury said…
I'm thankful for family! Friends! Pie! (Mainly pie...)
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for my amazing sister.
erin said…
the continued health and happiness of my family :) thanks for sharing!
Judy said…
My new job.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Jackie said…
I am grateful that everyone in my family is healthy and happy.
Thank you!
Unknown said…
I am truly grateful for everything I have.
Gaby Pendragon said…
I'm grateful for my family :)
AimeeKay said…
I'm grateful for my kids!
~Jennifer~ said…
I'm grateful for getting to be a full-time parent, for my kids, for my husband, and for being alive and healthy. :)
Nikolina said…
I'm grateful for each day without pain...
Angela said…
I'm grateful for my health!
Unknown said…
I am thankful and grateful for modern medicine and my husband.
i always grateful for my family..
thx u for hosting ^^
Unknown said…
I am grateful for a roof over my head.
Carol L. said…
I'm so grateful for the health of my 7 children and their families. I'm also so very grateful that my son who is in Special Forces just returned home after being deployed for a year. I thank God for that.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (t) all ( dot) com
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my sister!!
Unknown said…
i am grateful for my husband
_Sandra_ said…
Forever grateful for an amazing family and friends.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)
Unknown said…
I am grateful that my family has grown closer in the last two years then further about because of all the lost we had to endure
Susan Heim said…
I am grateful for my family and good health!
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for my friends and family who give me so much love and support :)
Thank you for the giveaway!
lildevilgirl22 said…
I am grateful for my kids
Axie said…
My family! & Books!!! :)
Anita Yancey said…
I am grateful for my family and the fact that we can all be together this year. Thanks for having the giveaway.

Debra Guillen said…
I am grateful for my wonderful family
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my family.
Elizabeth said…
I'm grateful for my job.
collenga said…
I'm grateful for my wonderful, supportive family and the roof over my head. Thanks for the chance!
Heather B said…
I am grateful for my three children
most grateful for my wonderful family
Unknown said…
Im grateful for my 3 brothers and to my mom
I am thankful for my daughter and the rest of my family. It's been a rough year and I am just glad to have them with me.
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my mom, who has always been there for me and she also supports me for my love in reading books
Jolanda said…
I am gratefull for my hubby and my 2 girls.
Janhvi said…
I'm grateful for my family and friends
Nicki Elson said…
Awesome siblings are the best and definitely something to be grateful for. :)
molliekatie said…
I'm so very thankful to have my Mom and my younger sister Sara's support in my life, both financially and physically, since I became permanently and totally disabled a few years ago. I have degenerative disk disease in my spine, so my whole back is pretty much broken and by it's own definition -- "degenerative" -- it'll never get better, only worse as time goes on. It's very hard to be 27 years old and not only have to still have to rely on your family to do really basic things like drive you everywhere, go grocery shopping and make dinner for you, but to also know that it'll never get better, that you'll never be physically able to get married and have children while the rest of the family is growing with what seems like a new baby every year. It's especially tough when the holiday season rolls around because all of my cousins are all having babies -- six kids under the age of ten, with two more on the way! -- and my brain has to balance keeping up the subconscious fight to keep my depression at bay so it doesn't ruin the happiness of living vicariously, of seeing all these new little human beings grow and change in the ways the children I've always imagined having (but now never will) would. My Mom and Sara work really, really hard to take care of me and anticipate my needs, especially in social situations like these, which are both physically and emotionally taxing. Each passing year makes me realize how truly lucky I am to have a family support system...even if the stress does tend to boil over and make us fight about it on a regular basis. They're my family and my team and they've been keeping me going when I don't have much of a future left to look forward to, and for that I am truly grateful.

I'm also really grateful for all the authors, librarians, book reviewers and bloggers out there who offer giveaways like this one. Being disabled, with SSI as my only source of income, it's incredibly tough to make ends meet every month. At the end of October, my cat Rita had to see the vet for an emergency eye problem. She's better now, hooray, and *knock on wood* that she stays healthy!!! But the vet visit cost $100. It was worth it, of course, because she's my furbaby, but that expense ate up a third of my allotted Christmas budget this year, a budget that I'd worked on since last January, scrimping and saving and couponing whenever possible, to be able to show my Mom and Sara how much they're appreciated with one special large gift each. (I feel like I say "please" and "thank you" and "would you mind" and "could you please" so much that they don't even really hear it more; Or maybe that my feelings of gratitude are expressed so often they've lost the genuine meaning, depth, and sincerity behind them.) Potentially winning giveaways like this one would mean that I will not have to cut my budget for Mom and Sara's Christmas presents this year as drastically as initially expected. (I'm delighted to have just won $25 this weekend, so I'm trying to be really optimistic about this situation and think of my goal as 1/4 accomplished!)

So thank you again. Happy Thanksgiving!
amanda whitley said…
i am grateful for my wonderful family. i am grateful to people like you and other bloggers who help others!
brandi said…
I am very grateful for the men and women in the military who constantly make sacrifices for our freedom. I am also extremely grateful that my husband and brother will not be deployed this holiday season. I pray for the families of deployed soldiers.
Suz said…
I am grateful for my wonderful friends, family and cat Buddy! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Suz Reads
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my healthy family and my job!
Juana said…
I am grateful for my mom.

Juana Esparza
Anonymous said…
I'm grateful for my wonderful daughter.
I’m most thankful for my three kids and my grandson and that they are all healthy. Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!
I am grateful for my family because without them I wouldn't care about much else.
Heather - heather1974 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for authors and their books, music, love, friends and my wonderful mom. Thank you so much for the giveaway :)
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my loving family and friends!
Viv V. said…
I am thankful for my service dog, and my family who loves me and are always there when I need them.
Leanne Godfrey said…
I am grateful for my family and the time I get to spend with them.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the giveaway and have a wonderful Thaknsgiving.
Anonymous said…
Some days I haven't been so grateful for my siblings, but this is a good place to say that I always love them! Thanks for being part of the hop.

Ashfa said…
I'm thankful for my amazing family!
oriana said…
flip said…
I am grateful for my family.
flip said…
I am grateful for my family.
A happy healthy family and a job after being unemployed for two years!
Anonymous said…
I am very much grateful for my family
Sue A. said…
I'm grateful for my family's health.
Anonymous said…
im grateful for my family!
Dovile said…
I'm grateful for everyone in my family being healthy.
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my family.

Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my amazing family!!
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my great Mom.
J Lenni Dorner said…
I'm grateful to be alive. Also, for the gift of being able to write well.
Anastasia said…
I'm grateful for my kids :) They are the best, most awesome people I know :)
Linda Romer said…
I am grateful for my loving family and for the good health of my pets.
Molly Mortensen said…
I'm grateful for my wonderful family. Thanks for the giveaway!
Meg C. said…
I'm grateful for my family and all the other blessings that we've been given. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am thankful for family and friends.
Jan Lee said…
I am grateful for my family, my friends, and these giveaways :)
Karen H said…
I'm grateful for my health and my family
Kiku said…
I'm grateful for my cats :D
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my loved ones and for being able to rise each day to live another day.
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my family, the roof over our head, the food we have to eat and the jobs we have to earn money.
Beppe DM said…
I am grateful for my family!
morgan said…
I'm grateful for my husband, and my grandmother who worked hard to get us together.
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my family, especially my hubby!
Wild N Mild $$$ said…
I'm grateful for my sons and our home.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
Diane Elizabeth said…
I'm grateful that my kids are all happy and healthy!
Kristina G said…
I am thankful for my family.
artichoke8 said…
I am thankful for my family, friends & BOOKS! thanks!
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my family and friends
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for the good health and happiness of my family and friends.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Tiana Senn said…
I'm thankful for my amazing family! :)
Unknown said…
I am so thankful for my amazing husband!
molli said…
i am so thankful for my amazing partner
Ally Swanson said…
I am grateful for my family, friends, and health.
I'm so thankful for my 2 sweet kids and my Mom! Thanks.
Heather said…
I'm grateful for my health.
Unknown said…
Music, books, book buddies, family and faith
jmcgaugh said…
I'm grateful for family and friends.
Cheryl R said…
I am very grateful for my family, my parents, my husband, my sibling, my children!
Betsy Perez said…
I'm grateful for my family especially for my sister, she makes everyday the best!
Unknown said…
I have a lot to be grateful for at the top of my list would have to be my Salvation and personal relationship with Jesus and my husband and children and all the rest of my family.
Ashley said…
I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful for my job and books. I am grateful for this giveaway!
hhkaufman78 said…
I am always Thankful for my kids.
Myra Rzepa said…
i am thankful for my healthy family and friends
Unknown said…
I am thankful for my healthy family and just being together for the holidays! Thanks!
crystalsg said…
I am thankful for my sweet daughter and my family.
ArtemisG said…
I am grateful for my mother, coffee and chocolate!

Thank you for the giveaway.
Artemis Giote
Holly Letson said…
Family, Books, Music.
I'm grateful my family is healthy!
Isa said…
I'm grateful for all the things that bring me joy. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day. :)
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my daughter keeping me sane and loved!
Unknown said…
I am thankful for family and friends, and for all the support they give me.
Judy Schechter said…
I'm thankful for my friends and family! Judy Schechter,
Mona said…
I'm grateful for being able to be a SAHM to my daughter.
Thanks :)
I am thankful for the friends that I have made through the book community.
SiNn said…
Iam thankful for my family of blood and of heart I am thankful to be able to read good books to have a roof over my head and food in my belly life is good

Beverly Gordon
Unknown said…
I thankful for my family friends and to health of every one
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my family and improving health.
Anne said…
My job with decent pay and benefits.
Abinormyl said…
I am so grateful for modern medicine this year. A lot of my family are still alive because of life saving techniques that medicine provides. Just in the last year my mother in law and uncle beat cancer, my dad was rescued from an accidental overdose after eye surgery and my Grandma and Granny have survived pneumonia and kidney failure.

Thank you for the giveaway.

Nancy said…
I am thankful for our family and friends.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for my two little boys!
Unknown said…
I most thankful for the health of my family and my friends, and I am grateful to God for the life I have. I am also grateful to all the authors who keep us entertained with the great book they write.
nicolesender said…
I'm grateful for my awesome grand kids!
Unknown said…
In addition to being grateful for family and the usual, I am hugely grateful for the amazing books I've read.
Anonymous said…
I'm grateful for family, health, and home.
slehan said…
I am thankful for good friends and a warm house.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com
A'lina said…
I'm grateful for a roof over my head, my close family and food on the table. And some books to read ;)Thanks for the great giveaway!
Unknown said…
I'm grateful for my puppies and their unconditional doggie love.
JC said…
I am grateful for a safe warm roof over our heads.
Linda Kish said…
I am grateful for my kids and my health.
I am most thankful for God, my family and friends.

Rhi said…
I am thankful for my family and having a job.
Unknown said…
I am grateful for my faimily's health
Unknown said…
I'm so excited about this GiveAway. I am following through email Twitter Facebook
M said…
I'm grateful for my family's health and my local library.
Breanne said…
I'm grateful for my friends
Kim Reid said…
I am grateful for my wonderful family!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Unknown said…
I'm grateful I have my family. whovorka at yahoo dot com
Unknown said…
For everything I have with me right now, I mean everything.
Sherry said…
I'm grateful for my family and my health.
Candie L said…
I am grateful for the two children who keep me on my toes. Thank you

Darci said…
I am grateful for my family, friends and fur babies!
Anonymous said…
I am most thankful for my family.
Alisha S. said…
(Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)
I'm thankful for my family.
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for God's unconditional love, family, friends, freedom, good health, and my cat JYNX! :)
Leslie said…
I'm thankful for my dog and Cats. :)
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