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The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award

Thank you to Jessica Subject for bestowing this award! Jessica was so kind to read and review my novel, post her review on her out-of-this-world blog, and then interview me too.

First I’ll tell you a few things about myself:

1. I just made carrot cake cookies for book club and they turned out pretty well. I’m a big fan of carrots and other naughty veggies. Winking smile
2. I’ve ridden in an old-fashioned biplane before, cruising the Chicago skyline.
3. My grandfather could golf his age (and I hear that’s not easy to do!)
4. I may be too old and out of tune to try out for American Idol, but that doesn’t stop me from pretending I’m an awesome singer hee hee.
5. I love books that make me cry, like Room by Emma Donoghue.

Now I have the pleasure of passing on the award. I’m aware some blogs are award-free and if you’d rather not accept the award, there’s no pressure. These are some super-sweet peeps!

1. Smash: I’m writing my first post using Windows Live Writer due to this lovely book blogger.

2. Lisa Sanchez: Lisa wakes up at the butt-crack of dawn to host our blog hops on Mondays.

3. Carol Oates This Irish lassie is quite thoughtful and kind.

4. Nicki Elson Nicki claims her thoughts aren’t so deep but I don’t believe it. I know her heart is deep.

5. Kasi Alexander: I think kinky and sweet go together, don’t you?

Congratulations to the award winners! Now go out and spread your sweetness.


I am SO happy that you are using WLW!!! I hope it makes blogging so much easier and more fun. :)

Thank you SO much for the award. ♥
Jennifer Lane said…
Hey Ash, I had a little trouble downloading WLW but it was so much easier to post using it, you're right. I love learning new things about blogging! Thank you. ♥
Thanks Jennifer! It was a pleasure to read 'With Good Behavior' and interview you.
Jennifer Lane said…
Thanks for the award, Jessica! Good luck with your writing.
CarolOates said…
Thank you for the award. Just in time since I made cupcakes.
Jennifer Lane said…
LOL Carol. Perfect timing.